Welcome To Dawat-e-Hajj & Umrah Pvt.Limited

Call Us : +92 423 576 1996

CEO Massage




Ghulam Muhammad Madni


CEO Massage


Alhamdolillah with the great mercy of Allah (SWT), my colleagues and I have been blessed and honoured as being one of the responsible companies to take pilgrims for Hajj & Umrah.


I would like to take this opportunity firstly, to thank all our clients for their support and cooperation during the last Hajj. We are deeply humbled by the presence of so many repeat clients and their family members. It is the best compliment we can strive for.As a company we have invested substantial resources, both financial and human, to create an environment in which our sales and services employees are able to meet all our customer’s requirements. This, in turn, has given customers a high level of confidence in our company.


I am confident that our commitment to excellence will soon make the standards by which others in our industry will be measured in the years ahead. Our aim is to have the honour of serving you as a guest of Allah to the two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia, and assisting each and every pilgrim to have a comfortable, trouble free and safe Umrah or Hajj journey.